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Hey, I just stumbled across this while looking for games about chronic illness rep. I'm chronically ill myself and was looking for comfort and understanding through games, since I'm struggling to find it in life (think Hattie in this game, oof). This game represents my life well, with energy limitations, even panic attacks. I know all too well the type of person Hattie is, my mom is like that and my friend of many years is too. I felt like this game represented my own story, thank you for making it. It's been a while since you posted it but I hope it can get more visibility.


god what a empathetic experience. extremely feeling the resentment n frustration @ hattie + the doc, n incrementally limiting ur mobility space hit SO hard, esp in the v last room


Thank you so much for this feedback. Knowing that so many of the feelings I wanted to express came through while you played means a lot! 


非常感谢你!您能告诉我更多有关卡住时发生的情况吗?您是否进入显示“ FIN”的屏幕,还是问题较早发生?我将检查游戏并尝试修复它。
